The About Page

About, About, About….The About Page has always seemed a bit odd to me. Does anyone actually read About Pages?  I never do, unless I am pissed off and looking for the contact info some company has buried on its site….but maybe that is just me.  Certainly writing this with such a negative attitude isn’t going to help, right?  Ok, let’s start over, shall we?

Hi, my name is Erik! Thanks for checking out A Year of Random Acts of Kindness (RAK).  As the title suggests, I am blogging about……….huh…….. it’s complicated.   Yes, a core feature of this experiment is to engage in random acts of kindness for a year, but it is more than that.  Although I started RAK at the request of a young woman I know with a very nasty, aggressive cancer, I extended this from a few weeks to a year because it became apparent to me that there was something important in trying to do this.  This “something” was about me and how I (good & bad) interact with the people in my world.   We will see where this goes.


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