
I know a woman who continues to touch many people’s lives in ways that seem meaningful.  A powerful tribute to her life.

Maze #1 2014 Maze #2 2014








I am starting with a digression (You: seriously? Sigh). Thinking back about the “rules” discussion we had last blog. It occurred to me that I should pass along that there is more than knowing the rules (your’s & other people’s). Knowing of Rules is a key piece to the puzzle, but it turns out you have to act on that knowledge. I will confess that my first response to learning this was, “Are you freaking kidding me? I have to do all this difficult and often painful work to explore nooks and crannies and opening locked trunks in my psychological basement (and yes, it is dark, and there are spiders and rats and scary things down there) to discover and bring a large pile of crazy shit out into the sunshine, and now there is more to do!!??” Not a happy camper. I was sort of hoping there would prizes, hopefully a medal, maybe even a parade. “The winner for Best Personal Insight in a Complicated Human goes to……..Erik!” The crowd cheers, I run to the stage, wiping a tear from my eye. I am a bit chagrined to admit that I even drafted an acceptance speech.

Of course, I knew this, knew that it wasn’t just about knowing or sorting & filing these “wise, deep personal insights” (Can I get an Ohhmmmmmm?). It is about using what you learn to begin and sustain the process of becoming a glob of flesh that is more true to……true to…..who you want to be? Who you are? Who you were before your history buried the real You? I really don’t know. It is apparent though that this process involves acting on those “wise, deep personal insights” which is not a simple task.

You: Got it. Thanks for the….. “wise, deep personal insights.” How about that RAK Challenge thing?
Oh, right….. Ok, a couple weeks back, as I was leaving a convenience store, a man who was also walking out dropped one of the lottery tickets he had just purchased.  I know that is what was dropped because I too was at the store to purchase a slip of desperate hope (Yes, I understand what 740,000,000 to 1 means, but a guy can dream).  I picked it up, called to him and gave it back. Of course when I did, I thought “What if this is the winning ticket?” I suspect he did too.

Lots of different ways to wonder about that RAK (including was that really a RAK or “doing the right thing” but let’s set that question aside…because I want RAK credit for it!). What I want to wonder about is that I know there are people who would say, “What a fucking dumbass! That could have been the winning ticket.” And another group who would say, “What a great act of kindness! That could have been the winning ticket.” What differentiates these two groups of people?  Why do some people get so intensely angry, to the point of sometimes killing each other, when someone cuts them off in traffic, but other people don’t care at all? I had a colleague who once threatened to “ruin my career” because he was in such a panic when he found out my team and I had been working independently for months on an idea and he felt it was his idea. On the other hand, I give ideas away all the time, knowing there are so many cool and exciting ideas, I could never do a fraction of them, please take them and nurture them. If I hold on to them they will wither and die from neglect. (I have many character flaws so don’t think I am trying to say how generous and wonderful I am or whatever)

Again, what differentiates these two groups? Two so different ways of being in the world? Of course the world is not this dichotomous and the reasons are numerous, but I do think there is a core perception that explains much of what puts us into one of these camps. I don’t think it has anything to do with intelligence, education, economic status, religion or any of that stuff. Heck, I don’t think it has anything to do with being a “nice person.”  What then?  I think under all the many factors that contribute to this way of responding is a person’s answer to a simple core question that colors how we view and interact with our world.

The question: Is there enough? Yes or no? The implications of the answer run deep.

Do you feel in your bones that the world is a place of plenty or scarcity? If you believe there is Not Enough, the world becomes a place of winners and losers. You have to prepare for the long winter, for the drought, the time of famine that will surely come. It feels like when things are given to others, it means you get less. You lose when others gain. To protect yourself you need to fight for every resource and see others as competitors who will potentially steal what you need. Do not let down your guard or you will lose. Someone cuts you off in traffic? They are taking from you. Someone has the same idea as you? They have clearly stolen from your precious hoard. Not Enough is a painful way to live.

At times in my life when I found myself coming from a place of Not Enough, I felt tense, constricted, anxious, grasping, putting others down in order to undermine their chance to be given what I needed to feel good about myself. I felt small.

If you believe there is Enough, then others receiving does not mean less for you. You don’t have to be constantly on guard that others are stealing what you need. There are certainly still many psychological monsters to be afraid of and demons to struggle with, but this is one less fear, and it is a huge one to be able to ignore because it is so fundamental. If there is Enough, it becomes easier to let go.

Based on the last few months of daily random kindness, it feels like being able to let go is a foundation. Seems you could still do RAK but the kind acts available to you would be narrow and your ability to sustain this type of kindness impaired. Of course if Not Enough is part of every breath, then RAK is impossible. Not Enough is a painful way to live. Not Enough puts you into a tiny box. Not Enough creates a canyon between you and Love.

What do you think? What do you feel? Is there enough?


3 thoughts on “Enough?

  1. Sandy Bailey

    This really made me think, because I have been feeling a bit like a failure lately. This is mostly because of Not Enough. Not Enough money, not enough time, not enough hope for better in the future. It seems like others have everything, but of course, this can’t be true. Giving doesn’t require a lot of anything except an awareness of someone else’s need, and a small offering in the form of a smile, or assistance. The kindest people have no problem finding opportunities to be kind, so that’s the kind of person I want to be. Thank you for your words!

  2. Karen Griffee

    I love this one, Erik.

    When I read the part about beginning and sustaining the process if becoming true… to what? I’m thinking it’s more like the process of becoming true, period. As in more genuinely, openly, engaged with self and others– but the self isn’t very static. Like, I’m not sure how much of a “you” is there other than how you’re living, and I see you living in more interesting and engaged and intentional ways all the time. So “you” are teaching us a lot. Oh, and the Enough concept seems dead-on. I’m going to think about that one in relation to time. Time in this day, this week, maybe this only lifetime. Because I can’t (at least not yet) begin to fathom how to see time as ever being enough. And I hoard it, protect it, and yes! I get angry and defensive and jealous if I feel any of My Time might be stolen from me or used without my consent. So I’m gonna do some thinking…thanks, I think.

  3. Scottie Lilly

    Interesting blog and post .
    Thank you !

    Maybe we all know / believe that there is enough but we are divided between the camp of believers that it’s possible to ramp up production and distribution while decreasing the profitabilities and actualizing the enuff-ness VS the camps who think it isn’t desirable to do so or doable short of a heavenly miracle . And , of course , the largest camp of those that just don’t give a shit .
    That sounds like a RAK to me but maybe the decision to do that right thing was an involuntary subconscious act of self preservation …
    Maybe those neurons that regulate such things just fire so fast and instinctively that one cant really always know why one does things …not without watching a third eye view , super slow motion
    replay .
    Shit happens , forgettaboutit ?

    Maybe for a micro-second , the ticket was naturally going into the pocket but the cranial calculator weighed the odds against the possible rewards / punishments of doing that right thing vs being seen by an onlooker to have intentionally and knowingly ‘took that mans ticket ‘ .

    What if they took a photo of you pocketing that man’s ticket , posted it on Facebook ,can ya imagine the caption ?
    Are the odds of that happening more or less than 740,000,000 to 1 ?

    Why are we people the way we are ?
    Maybe the cultural aspects overwhelm the personal inclinations …we are a capitalist society ‘ shame ‘ …products of a social / economic system that’s been refined to suit itself for 300 years and has been conditioning all of us to help it ‘ THEM ‘ to get ENOUGH ? What is enough for ‘ THE SYSTEM ‘ and where does it come from ?

    Of course , it all started with the notion that capitalism was good and should be made better and according to that great proponent of capitalism Adam Smith as he wrote in ‘ The wealth of Nations ‘ and repeatedly made clear …the beauty and lifeblood of capitalism is profit and the profit is derived / enhanced by a DEARNESS of the specific commodity …meaning that for capitalism to be it’s best there should NEVER be ENOUGH of anything … and ‘ too much ‘ is simply forbidden by god almighty !
    And so modern capitalists pay farmers not to grow food and such so that there is NEVER ENOUGH and the Dow Jones soars and beggars beg !

    Maybe it’s actually been subliminally programmed into all of our brains that ENOUGH for everybody is a very very bad thing and what we need is to never have enough of anything while always wanting/ needing some other things … the more the better ! Keeps the wheels spinning…. the tax revenues flowing !

    But , on a personal level , I think that Karen definitely hit on a critical aspect of the dynamics of our personal inclinations to choose…is there enough or not enough ?

    Time …it’s all about time cuz time is one of the most valuable tools that we must use to rid our lives of all the bad things and time is what we need and use to fill our lives with more good things .

    We may believe that there is enough but such conflicting non-conformance with popular culture as a guiding principle of our life would likely demand TOO MUCH of our TIME
    If we feel personally deprived of any important thing then fixing that is what our evolutionarily frustrated brains tell us that we should be doin with our time to avoid depression and then there just isn’t ENOUGH TIME ‘ for other peoples problems !

    Whew …haven’t thought that hard in a while !


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